More reasons why FRΞΞMΞN is the perfect choice.

Our goal is to provide green mobile financial for Gen-Z, Gen Alpha & anyone interested in adopting a carbon-neutral lifestyle and gaining financial education.

How to gain financial education?

FRΞΞMΞN provides knowledge via our financial app that gives you control over your money and insight into your finances. We also help to gain relevant know-how through financial education, financial/digital literacy, lectures, tutorials, podcasts, online webinars & daily quotes in our app.

FRΞΞMΞN - Financial services for families & children
FRΞΞMΞN - Financial services for families & children

What is a carbon footprint?

The official definition by the World Health Organization (WHO): A measure of the impact your activities have on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced through the burning of fossil fuels is expressed as the weight of CO2 emissions produced in tonnes.

FRΞΞMΞN helps to decrease your carbon footprint and hit net-zero.


Together we can make
the world a better place.

FRΞΞMΞN - Financial services for families & children